To add funds to your Earn Account, please follow these steps:
1. Ensure that you have funds available in your Rand Checking Account. If you don't have funds in your Checking Account, you will need to first add money to it. Remember that when adding money to your Checking Account, you can set it up to automatically be transferred to your Earn Account.
2. Once you have funds available in your Checking Account, navigate to the Earn Account page within the Rand App and look for the transfers button located on the bottom right of the screen. Click on this button to proceed with the fund transfer.
3. A drawer will open from the bottom of the screen where you should see a "Fund Account" button. Click on it to initiate the process of adding funds to your Earn Account.
4. Enter the desired amount that you wish to move from your Checking account to your Earn Account and proceed with the transfer. This action will instantly top up your Earn Account with the chosen amount.
If you encounter any difficulties or have questions during the process, our support team is available to assist you.